

Alright, this is a mini-post because I think the details of the craft bazaar got lost in the middle of last week's post.

SO- the ONLINE CRAFT BAZAAR is a real thing, and here are the details for every kind of involvement:

  • Basic Details:
    • Nov 1-Dec 10th (Delivery by Christmas!)
    • I'll post the link to my Etsy store as we get closer- right now it is woefully disappointing.
    • ALL SORTS of amazing crafty goodies!
  • If you want to DONATE your goods/services: 
    • I'll sell anything handmade- preferably something shippable.
      • Examples so far include hats, headbands, bookmarks, jewelry, bookends- and that's before I've even really announced it!
    • You can EITHER:
      • send me your goods before the 1st and I'll handle the shipping
      • send me a photo/details before the 1st and you can ship items to buyers as they sell
    • PLEASE price your items. I'm a very bad estimator. 
  • If you want to BUY:
    • Look for the link on Nov 1st! I will keep adding new things and adjusting the stock- I will try very, very hard to keep everything updated. 
    • Listings where something is "made to order" will be updated to indicate the amount of time it will take to create the item- please be careful, especially as we move closer to Christmas.
    • If there's something in particular you're looking for, feel free to request it- I'll do my best. 



    My lovely coworker has taken to asking if there is any new information in the "Mystery Maternity Leave". From here on out, we will give as many updates as possible, but we're really playing the waiting game- it's as much a mystery to us as it is to most of you. Most of the updates will be minor, until we get to the BIG update.

    SO, updates, in no particular order-
    1. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone that donated- we are so, so close to reaching the fundraising goal for our matching grant!!! Seriously, we were gifted about $6,000 by you amazing people and therefore will receive $6k in grant money- AMAZING.

    2. We also received another small grant for $500 from one of the many applications! Again, if you are considering adoption or currently pursuing it, I am happy to share our grant list.

    3. We are working towards our next fundraiser! We are going to be running an ONLINE CRAFT BAZAAR  via my Etsy store.

    • Basic Details:
      • Nov 1-Dec 10th (Delivery by Christmas!)
      • I'll post the link to my Etsy store as we get closer- right now it is woefully disappointing.
      • ALL SORTS of amazing crafty goodies!
    • If you want to DONATE your goods/services: 
      • I'll sell anything handmade- preferably something shippable.
        • Examples so far include hats, headbands, bookmarks, jewelry, bookends- and that's before I've even really announced it!
      • You can EITHER:
        • send me your goods before the 1st and I'll handle the shipping
        • send me a photo/details before the 1st and you can ship items to buyers as they sell
      • PLEASE price your items. I'm a very bad estimator. 
    • If you want to BUY:
      • Look for the link on Nov 1st! I will keep adding new things and adjusting the stock- I will try very, very hard to keep everything updated. 
      • Listings where something is "made to order" will be updated to indicate the amount of time it will take to create the item- please be careful, especially as we move closer to Christmas.
      • If there's something in particular you're looking for, feel free to request it- I'll do my best. 

    I am so looking forward to everything coming up- THANK YOU again for all of your support! We love you and we couldn't be doing this without you!