
Our Adoption- Just the Beginning

I'm certain the title has given this away, but it's official- we have begun the adoption process!

We officially decided to grow our family through adoption over a year ago, but only recently did we decide to apply to a program to bring home an infant from the Marshall Islands! In the larger scheme of things, this is just the beginning, but the journey just to get to the starting line has felt like a long one, and so we are extremely thankful to be able to share this with everyone.

 Here's where we're at right now:

Short term: We have been accepted by both our local agency and our placement agency- yay! We will be beginning our home study soon, and that takes as long as we make it take- we can try to complete it quickly, or go through it as slowly as necessary. We have no intentions of moving slowly, but there are schedules and things that we have to work around. This is basically the first step after being accepted.

Long term: The program we're in is a quick one, considering the pace of most international adoptions. In theory, we could be placed with our baby within 6 months, or as late as 12 months from now, but nothing is guaranteed- we have to roll with the punches. As any adoptive family can tell you, we are learning how much goes into adopting a child in even the simplest circumstances- and there are no simple circumstances. As a result, we don't know more than we do know in some respects.

In the meantime: We are SO thankful for the love and support we have already received. We will try to update this blog weekly, posting any updates as the come up, answering any questions that come up, and giving more information about events and fundraisers that will help us bring our baby home. We love you all so very much!


  1. We are so happy for you guys and we can't wait to hear more about everything. Just let us know if you guys needed help.

  2. Congratulations! What a huge decision and what a blessed little one God has for you! Love you!

  3. This is exciting news. I wish you a wonderful journey as you bring home a new addition to your family.
