
Behind the Scenes

Hey all,
I need to apologize for the length of time between posts- 2 1/2 months is ridiculous, and I'm sorry.

I have often told my students to never compare their behind-the-scenes footage to someone else's highlight reel. Generally speaking, we get to see others at their best, with the face they put on when they leave the house, or hear their carefully chosen words. It's incredibly easy to be discouraged by this, because our own lives can be ugly and raw, and they feel absolutely nothing like other peoples' lives, which seem so "perfect", or at least "better". We all know, obviously, that everyone has struggles, but they're vague and easy to dismiss; we look at their highlight reel- the stuff they share on Facebook, the stories they tell when the family gets together on Christmas- and then think so much about our own junk that we miss the bigger picture in both our lives and theirs.

I wanted badly to be authentic when speaking about the adoption of our child because we knew it would be hard. We knew we would be sad, and tired, and also fortunate, and loved beyond our wildest dreams, and that all of these factors would make it real. The adoption blogs that spoke about infertility issues and loss and heartache quenched by soul when I needed it the most, and I wanted to add to their number. I wanted to faithfully represent our adoption because we so wanted this to be about more than our family, and it isn't all cute and flowery stuff.

Somewhere along the line, I stopped taking my own advice.

When week after week passed with no news, I figured no one wanted to hear me complain about Department of Homeland Security taking a million years to process our info.

When our first grant application was turned down, I decided not to blog until we had good news.

When I ended up having no time this summer to prepare the nursery like I had anticipated, I thought it would be better to wait to share photos until the nursery was done.

When we finally got our papers all in order and didn't hear back from our program coordinator immediately, I assumed we should wait another week to post, because hey, next week we'll have ACTUAL news, right?

So, I'm going to call all of that the blooper reel. It's the behind-the-scenes, I-can't-believe-I-did-that footage, and we're sharing it with all of you because it seems to be a pretty big theme in adoptions, we're learning. This whole process, including bloopers, is what is building our family and I'm sorry I've been terrible about sharing- I will try to be better. I will also try to not complain too much about these things, because this isn't a pity party, and I don't want to complain about my first world problems when my child is currently parentless… but there should be a balance. Highlights AND bloopers.

That said, here's the skinny. We are hoping to complete our dossier soon, and we will update when that time comes. However, in the meantime, there have been some non-adoption highlights that we'll share, because the good stuff has been pretty darn great.

First of all, I'm starting a new position at my work- I'm the new library media teacher! I am fortunate to be helping to build a library at my school, and we're in the beginning stages, but really- it's my dream. My uncle said to me over the weekend, "Wait, you're practically Belle, and they're letting you build a library? Are they crazy?" We might be crazy, but I am ecstatic to be working on this.

Secondly, Paul is starting a new position at a new branch, and we think it's going to be an awesome thing, but it has definitely been hectic, and he's still learning the ropes, to say the least. This position gives him more potential for growth in the future, which is encouraging, though not something he's planning on pursuing until after we get home with Baby J (since it would suck to go out for a paternity leave right after starting a new position). It's a good thing we're getting some of these changes out of the way now!

Thirdly, we got to celebrate two weddings this weekend- one for a dear friend (that I'm so crazy ridiculously excited for) and one for my little sister Kelsie! We spent 31 hours in the fastest trip ever, but we were so thankful to get to share in Kelsie and her husband, Dan's, wedding day!!! We got to see family and friends in a small and truly special ceremony. They were both beautiful and happy and wonderful- it was such a great way to end the summer and celebrate families joining. A lot of my family that was there isn't even blood related, and I was so happy to be reminded that family is created through love, not blood- now something that's even more encouraging as an adoptive mom-to-be.

Lastly (?), we were awarded a matching grant! After the first sad response, we were awarded a $2,000 matching grant through LifeSong for Orphans, which means that they'll match up to $2k in donations until October 29th. If you're interested in supporting us this way, please let me know- any support would count for double!  This was especially wonderful to hear because we have an ENORMOUS bill coming up when we submit the dossier.

So there you have it- behind-the-scenes. Some of it's on the blooper reel, and some of it is the highlight of the summer, but it's all a part of the bigger picture. Thanks for bearing with us as we figure out how to be transparent without being grumpy and cynical while we wait. We love you all, and thank you for your support!


  1. You are very wise for your young years Kirsten. And Bloopers, are a part of it for a lifetime. Hence the reason to have a "sense of humor" about you to weather through them....Love you Sweetie!

  2. I love real. Thank you for your refreshing example of transparency. I always enjoy the updates, so wonderfully written! I love you two!
