
What a Difference a Year Makes

Courtesy of Facebook, I got a reminder this morning of my blog post from one year ago today- the week before we went to committee to be named the adoptive resource for the Damien and Rayden.

I couldn't believe it.

I mean, we tell people our story a LOT- it comes up more often than I thought possible- so in my head, I know that our family has grown exponentially in less than a year and a half, but this seems insane- to have been praying that a committee would let us continue to parent Damien and Rayden, and then to have gone through the adoption AND a pregnancy within the year to boot? To have THREE sons under one roof less than a year later?

And yes, they're all under one roof- Theo is home!

Two weeks ago, we got to bring home the newest member of the Johnson clan, and it has been awesome. And tiring. And wonderful, and difficult, and everything else all combined. He is growing physically and developmentally, and we are SO, SO fortunate. Huge shout out goes to the outstanding NICU team at St. Vincent's- they were almost too helpful.

Now that we're home, what is this blog about? I can't decide. I guess that depends on what happens next, and we don't have a clear direction- probably because we can't see past the next bottle yet. I have a lot of thoughts about adoption and foster care still, so that may happen here, and there's nothing about child rearing that hasn't been said on some other mom's blog, so I'm not sure. Forgive me a few generic mom blogs while I reestablish my footing now.

For the moment, enjoy some pics!

Thank you to everyone that has encouraged and supported us- it got us through a really rough time, and we can't express how grateful we are. We love you all!