

Today was the day- and we have officially been recommended as the primary adoptive resource for the boys!

I don't have anything insightful to say- I have been a mess. Little sleep, mostly walking around like a zombie, definitely on edge- I am SO glad we don't have to wait to find out anymore.

The next step is our home study. We already have a completed home study for the Marshall Islands, so they only have to update, which is a comparatively simple process, but it does take 1-3 months. After that, our home study is selected- which is pretty easy because ours is the only one being viewed now :)
After that, there are some smaller steps and then everything goes to the district office and we can finalize! All said, this should take somewhere around 6 months. (!!!)

I'm still sort of dazed- it hasn't really sunk in- but it feels a little bit like our wedding day where I have flashes that I'm sure I'll never forget. Certain moments- like hearing our case worker say we were recommended after only 8 minutes of deliberation, telling friends over and over as we were sure we were forgetting people, talking to my parents, my boss mauling me in the lunch room while screaming, "I told you so!"- these are all things that will always come to mind when I think of today.

So, for those of you that were a part of these memories, thank you for helping to make our day even more incredible. If this is how we're telling you the good news, please know that we feel your love and support constantly and we couldn't have done this without you.

We love you all! We will continue to update as things progress, but for now, we will rest in this wonderful moment. :)

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